Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An inspiration to kayak enthusiasts around the world

Nearly a year ago, January 18th 2009 to be exact, a woman by the name of Freya Hoffmeister began a journey that had only been done once before... a solo circumnavigation of Australia in a kayak. Today, she completed her journey.
She completed the trip in 332 days. The only other person to accomplish the trip, Paul Caffyn (1982), did it in 361 days.

I have been following her blog posts, sent by satellite phone, for the last year. As an avid kayaker, it has truly been an inspiration. You can follow the link below to her blog and read all about the trip by going through the posts.


1 comment:

Buffalo said...

I can't comprehend the physical and mental toughness it would take to do this. Incredible.